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Jungle Justice: OSPOLY students want justice for mate killed by mob in Osun

Students of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, have lamented the killing of, Abdurazaq Abdullateef.
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Students of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, have lamented the killing of, Abdurazaq Abdullateef, who was allegedly burnt to death in the Ode Omu area of Osun State by a mob, after a car he drove killed three people, last weekend.

The students who during the candlelight procession shared their worries about how Nigerians take laws into their hands demand investigation and justice into the killing.

“We want the case seriously investigated by the authorities”

“This country is becoming lawless daily”

Recall that Osun Defender had earlier reported how a group of mob burnt Abdulrazaq to death, after a car he was in killed a woman, a child, and a commercial motorcyclist.

The Students’ Union in a memo, signed by the Chairman, Olaniboji Emmanuel, commiserated with the student community, family, and friends of Abdulrazaq.

According to the statement, “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of one of our cherished students, Abdurazaq Abdullateef Olamide AKA; DUA Bright, from Osun State Polytechnic, Iree. He was a bright, talented individual who touched the lives of many within our community. He will be profoundly missed by peers, faculty, and all who know him.

“During this difficult time, we want to raise awareness about the significant impact of losing a young member of our institution. We encourage everyone to support one another and to remember the importance of compassion and understanding.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Abdurazaq Abdullateef Olamide’s family and friends. Let us come together as a community to support one another in these trying times.

“The candlelight procession for Abdurazaq Abdullateef will be held by 5:30 pm, on May 22, 2024, and the meeting point is ‘Federal Government Hostel, Iree, Osun State,” the statement concluded.

See video when the procession was held

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