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KWASU: Faculty of Agriculture gets new solar inverter

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Kwara State University’s (KWASU) Faculty of Agriculture has taken a significant step towards sustainability with the commissioning of a new solar inverter system.

The installation was officially launched by acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Shaykh-Luqman Jimoh, who praised the faculty’s proactive approach to ensuring a consistent electricity supply for its staff.

During the commissioning ceremony, Professor Jimoh lauded the Faculty of Agriculture for its initiative, noting that it aligns with the university’s broader efforts to increase power generation from alternative sources.

“It is heartwarming to see faculties complementing the management’s efforts by providing alternative means of generating power,” he stated.

The acting vice-chancellor also encouraged other faculties to follow the innovative example set by the Faculties of Engineering and Agriculture.

He emphasised the importance of creating comfortable workspaces through sustainable practices.

In his welcome address, Professor Friday Apata, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, explained that the decision to install the solar inverter was driven by the need to address the challenge of inadequate power supply and to support the university’s sustainability goals.

He revealed that the solar inverter was donated by a philanthropist who supported the faculty’s vision.

Apata also expressed his gratitude to the faculty staff for their support and dedication in realizing the project. The event was attended by the university’s management team and staff of the Faculty of Agriculture, marking a collaborative effort towards a greener future for KWASU.

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