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Lagos govt approves inspiring memoir “Black White” for state curriculum

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The Lagos State Government has approved the inclusion of “Black White” in the state secondary school curriculum.

The book, penned by architect and real estate professional Ifelanwa Osundolire, narrates the journey of a young man from Ondo, Nigeria, to the United Kingdom in search of higher education and better opportunities.

“Black White” delves into the cultural conflicts and personal discoveries encountered during this transition between two vastly different worlds. It sheds light on the challenges faced by Nigerian immigrants and the stark realities of relocation.

Osundolire shared that it took him seven years to transform “Black White” from a mere idea into a compelling memoir.

“From conception to completion, it is a testament to the inherent value of living an eventful life and telling one’s story for posterity,” he remarked.

Expressing his gratitude to the Lagos State Government, Osundolire hopes that his book will inspire students, particularly those who are gifted and underprivileged, to aim high.

“I am delighted that ‘Black White’ has been approved for Lagos State Secondary Schools. I hope this book, which documents my first-hand experience studying and excelling in the UK, serves as an inspiration to students aspiring for goals beyond their present circumstances,” he stated.

The title “Black White” focuses on the disparities observed by a young man navigating between different environments, rather than on racial discord. It explores how his identity evolves under various socio-cultural influences.

This approval marks another milestone for Osundolire, whose previous works include “On A Lot of Things” and “Inside This Big Head.”

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