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Nigerian bags two doctorate degrees in US after failing WASSCE 17 times

A Nigerian, Emmanuel Ahmadu, who failed the West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination 17 times, has urged youths to remain resilient and never lose hope, regardless of challenges they face.
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A Nigerian, Emmanuel Ahmadu, who failed the West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination 17 times, has urged youths to remain resilient and never lose hope, regardless of challenges they face.

Ahmadu, who was recently honoured with two doctorate degrees in the US, gave the advice in a telephone interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on Sunday in Lagos.

According to Ahmadu, who is also known as ‘Mr Voiceover’, dedication and a strong belief in oneself are crucial in overcoming adversity.
“Seek out opportunities for growth, leverage available resources, and connect with mentors and supportive networks.

“Remember, every setback is a setup for a greater comeback.

“Keep pushing forward, and your efforts will eventually yield success,” he said.

He said that his remarkable journey from overcoming significant personal and educational setbacks, to becoming a global advocate for mental health, underscores the power of resilience and the impact of unwavering determination.

“My story is a beacon of hope for youths facing similar challenges, inspiring them to rise above their circumstances and make meaningful impacts in their communities and beyond,” he said.

According to him, his journey is nothing short of extraordinary, overcoming significant educational and personal challenges.

“I first gained international attention in 2018 as the International Award for Student Brand of the Year in West Africa while studying at the University of Benin (UNIBEN).

‘My story of resilience, having attended 16 primary schools and 14 secondary schools due to family instability, and sitting for O’level examination 17 times over five years before passing, showcases unparalleled determination,” he added.

He said when he graduated in Mass Communication from the University of Benin in 2018, he received recognition from the vice-chancellor as an extraordinary student whose achievements were archived in the university’s main library to inspire hope in others.

Ahmadu said that he was also recognised as the ‘Most Innovative Student in Nigeria’ and ‘Media Personality of the Year’, among other prestigious awards.

In the US, he has continued to make significant strides.

He said that his impact earned him numerous awards, including “Distinguished Student Leader with a Big Heart” from the College and “Outstanding Mental Health Advocate of the Year” by the Active Minds.

NAN recalls that Ahmadu, on June 8, received an honorary doctorate degree in International Affairs (DIA) from Global Seminary University, New York, USA, in collaboration with GEPEA University, Portugal.

This prestigious recognition acknowledges his significant contributions to promoting peace, sustainable mental wellness, and hope globally.

NAN also reports that in addition, he was honoured as a Professional Doctoral Fellow by The Across Global Institute of Foreign Languages (AGIFL) for his outstanding leadership and global achievements in mental health advocacy.

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