
Oyedepo urges universities to research solutions to Nigeria’s challenges

Oyedepo said on Friday in Ota, Ogun State, that universities needed to engage in more research to bring about food sufficiency, healthcare delivery, improved practice in agriculture and shelter for all.
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The Chancellor of Covenant University in Ota, David Oyedepo, has urged Nigerian universities to embark on more research to solve the country’s problems.

Oyedepo said on Friday in Ota, Ogun State, that universities needed to engage in more research to bring about food sufficiency, healthcare delivery, improved practice in agriculture and shelter for all.

“Every problem, I have discovered, has a solution. But without a problem-solver, such a problem becomes insurmountable.

“As long as we remain regimented, we will continue to be relegated,” Mr Oyedepo said.

The Chancellor described university as a place where solutions to society’s problems are found, and value added to humanity.

“Manpower is the most intelligent creature of all God’s creations, but our society has not succeeded in finding solutions to its problems yet because it is not ready to take responsibility,” Oyedepo added.


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