
Preparing for the New Academic Sessions: A Guide for Nigerian Parents

As the new academic session approaches, parents play a crucial role in ensuring their children are prepared for a successful year ahead. The transition back to school involves more than just buying new textbooks and uniforms; it requires thoughtful planning and proactive engagement to foster a supportive learning environment.
A mother carrying her daughter
Credit: Bright Horizons
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From island to mainland, Lagos may experience a total change when children return to school. Is this limited to Lagos only? No. So many parents can’t wait, as they can no longer endure the bittersweet experience that comes with parenting children during the holiday. Stories of broken TV, damaged household equipment, missing TV remote, and all unspeakable things may take list on gossip mills for parents.

However, as the new academic session approaches, parents play a crucial role in ensuring their children are prepared for a successful year ahead. The transition back to school involves more than just buying new textbooks and uniforms; it requires thoughtful planning and proactive engagement to foster a supportive learning environment. With a focus on both practical preparations and emotional readiness, parents can set their children up for academic success and personal growth.

In the vibrant and diverse educational landscape of Nigeria, preparation involves a blend of traditional values and contemporary practices. By reflecting on the past year’s performance, establishing routines, and encouraging a positive attitude towards learning, parents can help their children adapt smoothly to the new academic challenges. This holistic approach not only aids in academic achievement but also contributes to the child’s overall well-being and enthusiasm for learning.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get ready for the new school year.

1. Review the Previous Year’s Performance

Begin by reflecting on your child’s performance from the previous year. Discuss any challenges they faced and identify areas where they excelled. This will help you set realistic goals and expectations for the new academic session. Meet with your child’s teachers if possible to get a more detailed understanding of their academic strengths and weaknesses.

2. Organise school supplies and uniforms.

Ensure that your child has all the necessary school supplies and uniforms before the new session begins. Create a checklist of items required, which may include textbooks, notebooks, stationery, and other educational materials. In Nigeria, school uniforms are often specific to each institution, so make sure these are ordered or purchased well in advance. It’s also helpful to involve your child in this process, as it can foster a sense of responsibility and excitement about the new school year.

3. Create a Study-Friendly Environment

Setting up a conducive study environment at home can greatly enhance your child’s learning experience. Ensure they have a quiet, well-lit space dedicated to their studies, free from distractions. This space should be organized and equipped with essential supplies. In many Nigerian homes, this might mean creating a specific corner of a room or even a small study nook.

4. Establish a Routine

Children thrive on routine, so it’s important to establish a consistent daily schedule that includes time for studying, extracurricular activities, and relaxation. Begin implementing this routine a few weeks before school starts to help your child adjust smoothly. In Nigeria, where many families have busy schedules, planning and sticking to a routine can be crucial for maintaining balance and reducing stress.

5. Promote Healthy Habits

Encourage your child to adopt healthy habits that will support their academic success. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular physical activity. Nigerian cuisine is rich in nutritious options, so include a variety of local fruits, vegetables, and proteins in their diet. Ensuring they get enough sleep is also crucial, especially as they transition back to school hours.

6. Foster a Positive Attitude Towards Learning

Cultivate a positive attitude towards education by expressing enthusiasm and support for their studies. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and provide encouragement during challenging times. Share stories or examples of successful individuals from Nigeria or other places to inspire and motivate them. This can help build resilience and a love for learning.

7.Engage in Open Communication

Maintain open lines of communication with your child about their academic expectations and any concerns they might have. Regularly check in on their schoolwork and social interactions. In Nigerian culture, where family bonds are strong, discussing school-related matters openly can provide emotional support and help address any issues early on.

8. Get Involved in School Activities

Participate in school-related activities and meetings to stay informed about your child’s educational environment. Many Nigerian schools offer parent-teacher associations (PTAs) or other community events that provide opportunities for involvement. Being engaged in your child’s school life can also help you better understand their needs and the school’s expectations.

9. Prepare for Financial Costs

Plan and budget for any additional financial costs associated with the new school year. This might include school fees, extracurricular activities, and other incidental expenses. In Nigeria, where financial considerations can vary greatly, it’s crucial to plan ahead to avoid any last-minute stress.

10. Encourage Social Skills and Emotional Well-being

Support your child in developing strong social skills and emotional resilience. Encourage them to participate in group activities or community services, which are valuable for personal growth and social development. Nigerian communities often offer various social and cultural activities that can help children build confidence and friendships.


Preparing for a new academic session is a multifaceted process that involves both practical preparation and emotional support. By following these steps, Nigerian parents can help their children start the school year with confidence and readiness. Your involvement and encouragement play a significant role in their academic success and overall well-being. Embrace this opportunity to set the stage for a productive and rewarding school year.

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