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Retired male teacher arrested for allegedly sexually molesting boys in Anambra

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A retired teacher, Ike Okoye, has been arrested by the Anambra State Government in collaboration with Operation Clean and Healthy Anambra for allegedly sexually molesting and engaging in homosexual activities with young boys in Isuofia, Aguata Local Government Area.

According to a statement by Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, Media Aide to the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Welfare, Ify Obinabo, the suspect was apprehended after the incident was reported to the Ministry by the President-General of Isuofia People’s Assembly, Chief Chikadibia Okeke.

The suspect allegedly confessed to romancing and fondling the boys but denied penetration.

Two victims, aged 25 and 31, came forward with allegations that the suspect molested them under the guise of financial assistance or offering them chores in exchange for payment.

The Commissioner and the Managing Director of OCHA Brigade expressed sadness over the development and assured the state government’s commitment to ending child molestation and homosexuality in the state.

The suspect was handed over to the police for further investigation and will be charged to court.

This arrest comes as a crackdown on sexual molestation and homosexuality in Anambra State, with the government vowing to protect children and young individuals from predators.

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