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School owner vanishes with exam fees, sells school, flees abroad

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Sunday Adeyemi, a long-time school proprietor in Ibadan, has reportedly absconded with funds meant for students’ WAEC and NECO exam fees, leaving their educational futures in peril.

The alarming news was brought to light by Adejoke Lasisi, founder of Planet 3R, who shared the distressing details on Facebook.

According to Lasisi, many parents had made significant financial sacrifices, including taking loans, to pay for their children’s crucial examination fees.

However, their efforts were in vain as it emerged that the students had not been registered for the exams, despite the fees being collected.

Lasisi’s post, laden with both anger and personal pain, recounted how her own family had once faced a similar predicament when her younger brother was a victim of such fraud. They had managed to secure the necessary funds to re-register him, but she empathised deeply with the affected families’ plight.

Adeyemi’s actions have been seen as a severe breach of trust, especially given his over two-decade operation of “The Lord’s Favour” school.

Further investigations revealed that Adeyemi had allegedly liquidated his assets, including his home and the school, to finance his escape abroad. This sudden disappearance has left students and parents in shock and financial distress.

Lasisi concluded her heartfelt post by asserting that while seeking better opportunities abroad is a personal right, it should never come at the expense of others’ trust and futures.

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