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Sokoto varsity gets NUC’s accreditation for 18 courses

The National Universities Commission has granted full accreditation status to the entire 18 undergraduate degree programmes presented for the accreditation by the Sokoto State University.
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The National Universities Commission has granted full accreditation status to the entire 18 undergraduate degree programmes presented for the accreditation by the Sokoto State University.

This was contained in a summary of results letter presented to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Bashir Garba and signed by the Director of Accreditation, Abraham Chundusu, on behalf the Executive Secretary of the Commission.

According to the letter, the programmes that get full accreditation status are Computer Science, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Microbiology.

Others are Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Arabic, Hausa, History, Islamic Studies, Education Computer Science, Education Mathematics, Education Physics, Education Biology, and Education Chemistry.

While commenting on the results of the accreditation, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor Bashir Garba, thanked the NUC for the successful accreditation.

He assured that the University would remain committed in attaining academic standard to continue meeting all the NUC requirements for global ranking.

“Indeed, this achievement underscores the University’s commitment to academic excellence and its dedication to meetSokoto varsity gets NUC’s accreditation for 18 coursesing the highest standards set by the NUC.

“Scoring full accreditation status for all the programmes presented to the NUC required commitment and dedication,” Prof Garba enthused.

He, therefore, emphasised the readiness of the school to invest more time, energy, and resources in the accredited programmes and the 60 other undergraduate and postgraduate courses that would be due for accreditation soon.

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