
Africa's Education News Source

Stationery firm gifts Lagos students stationery

A statement by BIC said it was to enhance students’ performance during the crucial examination period of the West Africa Examinations Council and the National Examinations Council.
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A stationery firm, BIC, has donated necessary writing tools to students in Lagos State.

A statement by BIC said it was to enhance students’ performance during the crucial examination period of the West Africa Examinations Council and the National Examinations Council.

The contribution towards the education space stems from the company’s commitment to improving learning conditions for 250 million students by the year 2025, as part of its sustainable development program, Writing the Future Together.

The donation was presented to the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education, Mr Jamiu Alli-Balogun; while Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, Mr Abayomi Abolaji; and BIC representatives, Mr Adeyemi Ojo and Mr Patrick Bello and representatives from selected schools were also in attendance.

Business Development lead at BIC Nigeria, Adeyemi Ojo, said, “We are honoured to support the education space in Nigeria, and more specifically the Lagos State Government. We are humbled to have had the opportunity to contribute towards improving learning conditions for our youth by providing them with the necessary writing tools during the most crucial examination period.”

Alli-Balogun added, “We are grateful for BIC’s generosity. As a household name known for high-quality pens, this donation will make a real difference in the lives of our students. We encourage BIC to explore further collaboration in areas like student scholarships, teacher training, digitalisation of our schools, and school infrastructure development, aligning with our T.H.E.M.E PLUS agenda.”

Abayomi Abolaji, appreciated BIC for supporting the government.

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