
The impact of Artificial Intelligence on education

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become accessible to the masses with apps like ChatGPT, which can answer questions, write essays, and more. With the increasing presence of AI, educators and parents are questioning how this technology will impact education.
AI in Education
AI in Education Credit: Computerteam Ltd
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become accessible to the masses with apps like ChatGPT, which can answer questions, write essays, and more. With the increasing presence of AI, educators and parents are questioning how this technology will impact education.

AI has been around for some time, but it gained popularity after the release of the language-processing tool called “ChatGPT.” Since then, numerous apps with similar capabilities have emerged. These technologies enable human-like conversations, answer questions, and even generate content such as emails, code, and stories using information gathered from the internet.

As an English teacher at Kapolei High School,United States of America, Brooke Nasser discovered her students using ChatGPT in December. Rather than punishing them, she decided to openly acknowledge the existence of this technology and initiate a discussion on its benefits and drawbacks.

The use of AI in the classroom is uncharted territory, making it challenging to fully understand its pros and cons. Concerns regarding AI in education include cheating and plagiarism. However, there are also those, like Jon Von Tungeln, a parent working in tech, who view AI as an exciting tool with unlimited potential. He believes it can enhance writing by automating mundane tasks and freeing up students to focus on creativity, analysis, and critical thinking.

The Department of Education’s Curriculum Innovation Branch Director, Winston Sakurai, stated that the department’s technology policy already addresses the ethical use of technology in the classroom. They plan to provide materials and guidance to schools to ensure responsible use of AI. Although the department does not intend to ban AI in the classroom, measures are in place to detect and prevent cheating and plagiarism.

In addition to its impact on education, the Department of Education is exploring how AI could improve efficiency at the state and complex level as part of their strategic plan.

As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial for educators, parents, and policymakers to consider its implications and adapt education systems accordingly. While AI brings immense opportunities, maintaining ethical and responsible use is vital to ensure its positive influence on students’ learning experiences.

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