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TIES Global partners CAM to boost education

The organisers explained that the collaborative initiative was meant to provide Rwandan students with valuable insights into the diverse educational opportunities available in India.
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The TIES Global, in partnership with Campus Abroad Mauritius, has organised the ‘Study in India’ education fair, in Kigali, Rwanda.

The organisers explained that the collaborative initiative was meant to provide Rwandan students with valuable insights into the diverse educational opportunities available in India.

A statement noted that the education fair kicked off on June 7th at the Mother Mary International School and continued on June 8th at the M Hotel in Kigali.

According to the organisers, students had the chance to interact with representatives from various esteemed Indian Institutions, “to learn about a wide range of topics, including available programs, application procedures, visa formalities, accommodation options, and associated costs.”

It added that India’s educational institutions consistently uphold rigorous academic standards, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.

“With a diverse array of disciplines ranging from information technology to healthcare, engineering, and artificial intelligence, Indian Universities offer comprehensive and cutting-edge programs that equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today’s globalized world,” the statement stated.

It further, added that India’s higher education landscape is characterized by a wealth of prestigious institutions that are globally recognised for their academic excellence and research contributions.

It maintained that by choosing to study in India, Rwandan students not only gain access to top-tier education but also immerse themselves in a vibrant cultural milieu that fosters personal growth and intercultural exchange.

“With a commitment to nurturing future leaders and innovators, India stands as a beacon of educational opportunity, inviting Rwandan students to embark on a transformative academic journey that transcends borders and enriches lives
“One of the highlights of the fair was the opportunity for meritorious students to explore the possibility of securing partial or full scholarships. A plethora of scholarship opportunities awaited students who met the specified criteria, further enhancing access to quality education,” it said.

The Director of TIES Global India, Mr. Vijaykumar Chandrasekaran, said, “TIES Global was thrilled to have brought the ‘Study in India’ education fair to Rwanda in collaboration with Campus Abroad Mauritius. This initiative not only showcased the diverse educational opportunities available in India but also underscored our commitment to fostering global education partnerships
“Through this fair, we aimed to empower Rwandan students with the knowledge and resources they needed to pursue their academic aspirations in India, a country known for its rich cultural heritage and world-class education system.”

Also speaking, the Director of Campus Abroad, Mr. Jayasankar Seshadri, said that the firm was excited to expand into Rwanda.

“Campus Abroad Mauritius was excited to expand our footprint into Rwanda with the opening of our first office in Kigali. At Campus Abroad, we have always been committed to guiding students toward their educational goals, and our partnership with TIES Global for the ‘Study in India’ education fair further strengthened our mission.

“We look forward to empowering Rwandan students with access to quality education options and supporting them throughout their journey towards academic excellence,” Seshadri said.
The statement added that the widespread use of English as a medium of instruction removes language barriers, facilitating valuable networking opportunities with a diverse student body.

India stands at the forefront of research in numerous fields, offering students the chance to engage in cutting-edge projects and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.

Additionally, India’s booming economy offers exciting career prospects, with regulations easing to enable international students to participate in internships and secure jobs after graduation.

Although the Study in India Fair may have concluded, the journey towards academic excellence is ongoing and invites Rwandan students to explore the myriad opportunities awaiting them in India.

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