
Top 5 Study Tips for Your Final Exams

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Top 5 Study Tips for Your Final Exams!

Whatever course you are doing at school, college or university, you will at some point have to study. Setting in place some good study skills at the beginning of your course can really benefit you when it’s time for any written or practical exams.

Here are just a few top study tips to help you study more effectively.



A schedule is essential to help you make the best of your study time. It is also very important if you have more than one subject to prepare for. A schedule is just basically a way of allocating sufficient time to study throughout your course. It helps you to maintain personal discipline.

Schedules should incorporate not only personal study time but also all of the classes, seminars and lectures you will need to attend, including social time. Try to avoid making schedules too restricting, as this will make it more difficult for you to stick to them. Rather, make sure you offset study with other activities to ensure a varied work/life balance.


Study Time

To make study sessions really count, think about what times of the day you are most alert and rested. Then, try to fit some study into that time.

Studying when you are feeling bored, restless or in a rush to go somewhere else is a waste of time. You will not remember anything useful and it will feel like a penance. Such may put you off studying in the future.


Place of Study

You can study anywhere, but it makes sense to find a comfortable, peaceful spot. It could be at home, in the library or at a student study lounge. That way, you can really concentrate.

If it is nice outdoors, go outside and find a quiet spot to study. Although it is nice to study with friends sometimes, make sure you set aside private study times as well. So, you can carry on working at your own pace.


If you have a lot of textbooks and gk pdf books to read, then make sure you do this properly. Take notes on important points as you go along.

Spending some time at the end of each chapter to think carefully about the content. Ensure you have thoroughly understood it before moving on.

Just quickly reading a textbook from cover to cover will not help you study. You will most likely not absorb the information properly.

Hence, make sure you buy the textbooks you need whenever possible rather than borrowing them from the library or friends. Then, you will not have to worry about returning them. Also, you will always have them at hand to refresh your memory whenever you need to.


Note Taking

Textbooks and handouts will not be able to tell you everything you need to know. So, make sure you take plenty of notes in your classes and lectures.

And in your next study session, review these notes and condense them into the main points of interest. Organize them so that you can find them easily when you need to in the future.

It is impossible to write down everything that is said in your lectures and classes. So, just write a few lines to summarise the main points.

Also, you may want to jot down any questions that arise, so as to ask after class/lecture. Or even follow up on them in your textbooks when next you study.

We hope you get these five study tips, that will helpful in your upcoming exams. If you like these tips, please share with your friends.


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