
UDUS caliphate law clinic set to organise street fundamental human rights campaign

This campaign, as outlined in the manual titled “A Pocket Guidebook on Civil and Political Rights in Nigeria,” specifically emphasizes freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to political participation.
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The Law Clinic at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, in collaboration with the Network of University Legal Aid and Institutions (NULAI) Nigeria and Action 4 Justice, is preparing to conduct a two-day street campaign focused on human rights.

This campaign, as outlined in the manual titled “A Pocket Guidebook on Civil and Political Rights in Nigeria,” specifically emphasizes freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to political participation.

This information is detailed in an official circular issued on September 17, 2023, and signed by the head of Caliphate Law Clinic, Aisha Yahaya Zakari.

The circular calls upon all clinicians, especially participants in the online class of the community-based intervention program recently organized by the Caliphate Law Clinic at UDUS, to join the campaign.

Aisha Yahayah Zakari, head of the Caliphate Law Clinic, expressed readiness to take the campaign to the streets, marketplaces, bus stops, and other public places in Sokoto. She emphasized that this effort aims to promote fundamental human rights and educate people about their constitutional rights.

“Many of our uneducated men and women don’t realize that they are inherently endowed with basic rights, providing an opportunity for callous and greedy politicians to exploit them,” she said.

The facilitator of the Caliphate Law Clinic, Rodiat Omotoyosi Mikail, explained that the program titled “Protecting Civic Space” is an advocacy initiative by the Caliphate Law Clinic, sponsored by NULAI Nigeria. She noted the Caliphate clinic’s strong commitment to educating people about their fundamental human rights and how to prevent illegal violations of these rights.

Omotoyosi further stated that the campaign will focus on sensitizing the majority of people, particularly on how they can peacefully and lawfully exercise their rights.

“We aim to help our people enjoy their rights without any intimidation,” she said.

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