
UNICAL approves appointment of new dean for faculty of law

Ugbe’s appointment took effect on Tuesday and would run until a substantive dean is elected for the faculty.
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Florence Obi, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Calabar, has approved the appointment of Rose Ugbe as the acting dean of the Faculty of Law.

A statement by UNICAL registrar, Gabriel Egbe, said Ms Ugbe replaced Cyril Ndifon, the embattled former dean, suspended on August 17 over sexual harassment allegations and high-handedness.

A seven-man panel has been set up to look into the allegations.

Ugbe’s appointment took effect on Tuesday and would run until a substantive dean is elected for the faculty.

Ugbe would take up the responsibilities and duties associated with the office and oversee the faculty’s academic programmes.

She would also foster a healthy relationship among staff and students, and create a positive environment for teaching and learning in the faculty.

Other functions include supporting faculty members in their research activities and collaborating with the University administration to implement and actualise the institution’s vision.


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