
UNILAG visually impaired students protest unfair hostel allocation,fee hike

The Students Solidarity Group against Fee Hike issued a press statement expressing their solidarity with the protesting students and demanding a fair bed space allocation system.
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In a powerful display of unity and defiance, visually impaired students from the University of Lagos gathered today in front of the office of the Dean, Students Affairs, to protest against the alleged unfair hostel allocation process and exorbitant school fees. The Students Solidarity Group against Fee Hike issued a press statement expressing their solidarity with the protesting students and demanding a fair bed space allocation system.

The statement criticized the university management for their poor handling of hostel facilities and accused officials of aiding private agents, leaving a significant portion of the student body vulnerable to exploitative market forces. Despite assurances from the Dean of Students Affairs, Prof. Musa Obalola, the students claimed that the allocation process lacked transparency and fairness.

“We have always known that it’s just a matter of time before the fee crisis and its ripple effects will cause an implosion,” the statement read, highlighting the students’ frustration with the university’s failure to address their concerns.

The Students Solidarity Group firmly aligned with the protesters’ demands for a decent and fair bed space allocation, as well as a reduction in school fees. The group also announced plans for a comprehensive congress to address all issues affecting the student body, emphasizing the importance of student leaders standing up for what is right during this crucial time.

The statement concluded with a call for solidarity, urging all students to join forces in their fight for a just and equitable education system.

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