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US embassy strengthens ties with Kwara State, focuses on teacher training, youth programmes

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In a significant move to enhance educational initiatives, representatives from the US Embassy paid a working visit to the Kwara State Government House yesterday.

This visit followed Dr Adetola Ariyike Salau’s earlier meeting with the US Embassy in Abuja on March 7th, 2024.

Salau, the Special Adviser on Education to Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, spearheaded the discussions on potential collaborations aimed at boosting teacher training and youth programmes in Kwara State.

The US Embassy delegation included prominent figures such as Katarina Lage-Ramos (Public Diplomacy Officer), Adediran Adegoke (Youth Engagement Specialist), Joseph Adah (Strategic Communications Specialist), Kathryn Suwa (Youth Engagement Coordinator), and Hannatu Sadiq (Alumni Coordinator).

During the meeting, Salau emphasised the importance of reciprocating past collaborations she had initiated with the Embassy in Lagos during her tenure as SSA (Education) in Kwara State.
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She highlighted the potential benefits of leveraging the embassy’s yearly network to enhance educational opportunities in the state.

The delegation met with the Chief of Staff to Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, Prince AbdulKadir Aliyu Mahe, who conveyed the state government’s keen interest in partnering with the US Embassy.

Discussions centered on various programmes, including specialised training initiatives for teachers, student scholarships for studying in the USA, and the establishment of ‘American corners’ in Ilorin.

These centers are envisioned as dynamic hubs for cultural exchange, learning, and sponsored youth activities.

Further topics of discussion included skill acquisition programs, public school initiatives, awareness campaigns, scholarships, “Pro-TEEN Programmes” for teachers, and funding for the training and retraining of teachers.

Salau underscored the critical role of such collaborations in promoting teacher excellence and expanding educational opportunities for the youth in Kwara State.

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