
UTME 2023:Everything you need to know about JAMB mock exam

The mock exam is not compulsory. The score is not added to the main exam’s and it is not a requirement to participate in the main exam.
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The UTME mock is a pre-examination test which JAMB organises every year for candidates who will be taking the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

Candidates are asked to indicate their interest to take part in the mock exam during the UTME registration.The 2023 UTME mock will hold on Thursday,30th March 2023. Do you know? Now, you do.

Recall that, the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has shifted the 2023 Mock-UTME earlier scheduled for Thursday, 16 March, 2023, to Thursday, 30 March, 2023. JAMB disclosed this through its spokesperson that the shift in date is partly owing to the change in the date for the governorship and state house assembly elections.

The mock exam is not compulsory. The score is not added to the main exam’s and it is not a requirement to participate in the main exam.

The purpose of the mock examination is to enable candidates to assess their level of preparation and acquaint themselves with the computer-based test environment.

The mock examination was introduced in 2017 to give all candidates an opportunity to have hands-on experience with the system, especially those not conversant with the use of computers.

The mock exam is also an avenue for JAMB to test all systems in all centres to ensure they are working efficiently for the main exam. It also prepares the CBT centres and gives them an insight into how they should handle candidates in the main exam.
The printing of the 2023 UTME mock exam slip has not yet commenced.

The mock exam slip will indicate the venue and time of the exam for eligible candidates.

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What you need to know about the new examination regime

The new examination regime includes a policy that if a session is delayed by up to one hour, it will be cancelled and rescheduled for a later date along with the affected candidates. Additionally, no exam will start an hour after its scheduled commencement time, and any vacant slots will be scheduled for a later time.

Candidates will be notified of their new session or centre before leaving their original centre. During the UTME, candidates must spend at least one hour before submitting their responses and will be unable to login after one hour from the activation of the exam.

If an examination session is cancelled or cannot take place, candidates should not panic, as they will be rescheduled for the next available session, which may be on the same day.

They should leave the exam hall quietly and proceed to the holding area to await further instructions. Candidates must not leave the examination center until they are informed of the day and time of their rescheduled examination.

It is essential to note that rescheduled examinations are only meant to accommodate candidates whose examination sessions could not take place due to unforeseen circumstances and not for those marked as late or absent for their scheduled session.

Read also: UTME 2023:Everything you need to know about JAMB mock exam

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