
Varsity partners tech institution on research

Benson Idahosa University has collaborated with an international technological institution, Montana Technological University to reshape the future of education and research.
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Benson Idahosa University has collaborated with an international technological institution, Montana Technological University to reshape the future of education and research.

According to a statement made available to our correspondent on Thursday, the partnership of these two institutions promises a world of benefits, especially for the nursing and engineering students and faculties.

The statement read in part, “This partnership will signify a commitment to foster innovation, knowledge exchange, and global perspectives for the students and faculties of both institutions, leveraging each other’s strengths to elevate the educational experience for the BIU community.

“The partnership ushers in an era of cutting-edge learning, particularly for the nursing students. By gaining exposure to advanced technologies not commonly accessible in Nigeria, they will be uniquely positioned to study and combat diseases on a broader spectrum. The engineering students also stand to gain immensely from Montana University’s expertise in mining technology and artificial intelligence.

“This partnership is poised to revolutionise their academic journey, equipping them with unparalleled knowledge and insights that will not only benefit them but also ripple through the academic community.”

The statement also revealed that the partnership would enable a collaborative research venture, create new platforms for research and development, and boost the international recognition of the two institutions.

“In the spirit of collaboration, the students can now extend their educational reach far beyond Nigeria’s borders, delving into a world of international research opportunities, broadening their horizons, and nurturing a global perspective.”


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