
Why exam malpractice persists in Nigeria —WAEC

WAEC on the matter is that candidates who escaped being caught in the examination halls are always being detected through their answer scripts during markings.
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The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has again expressed concern over the persistent cases of examination malpractice in the country despite various measures being deployed against the menace.

The head of National Office of WAEC, Nigeria, Mr Patrick Areghan, expressed this concern in an interview attributing the situation to many factors.

He said apart from the students or candidates; schools, teachers, principals, parents, examination officials, ‘miracle’ centres, rogue website operators are also aiding the menace, particularly during public examinations.

He said WAEC as an organisation is aware of this and always comes up with different strategies to prevent malpractice during its various examinations such as May\June school-based West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and the ones for private candidates, but that the candidates and their collaborators are always finding a way to beat the system.

According to him “the saving grace for WAEC on the matter is that candidates who escaped being caught in the examination halls are always being detected through their answer scripts during markings.”

He frowned at the development and urged all stakeholders to join hands with the examination body to stamp out or reduce to barest minimum the menace in the country.

He said exam malpractice would hinder genuine development not only in the life of perpetrators but also in the education sector and economy at large.

Areghan also noted that WAEC has a five-year thematic plans to guide each member countries to continue to conduct credible examinations, experience internal process excellence, stakeholders’ engagement, employees’ engagement, learning and growth as well as financial sustainability.

He said each WAEC member countries is expected to be guided by the thematic plans in its operations years round.

Read aslo: WAEC cancels manual confirmation of results

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