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“Your continued stay violates act governing federal colleges” — FCE(T) Akoka staff tell provost, condemn tenure extension

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Staff at the Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka, staged a significant protest on Monday against the institution’s provost, Dr. Wahab Azeez, contesting his extended tenure in office.

The protesters claimed his continued stay violates the Act governing Federal Colleges.

The demonstration, which began at 9 a.m., saw staff marching through the campus with placards bearing messages like “President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, your authority and assented law are being usurped by Azeez and other authorities,” and “Leaders who seek only power and control will end up losing both.”

Deputy Registrar Chris Olamiju asserted that Dr. Azeez’s term ended on May 26, 2024, referencing section 13, subsection 7a and b of the new Act signed by President Tinubu.

The Act stipulates that a provost appointed before its commencement, who has served less than five years, should complete a single five-year term with no renewal. Olamiju accused the Ministry of Education of misinterpreting the Act to justify the provost’s extension.

Assistant Deputy Bursar Nicolas Ogbusuo echoed these concerns, stating, “Despite the law, the provost claims to have a letter from the ministry granting him an additional five years, which we know cannot supersede the law. We demand an acting Provost be appointed pending a permanent replacement.”

Principal Assistant Registrar Austin Nwachukwu highlighted that Dr. Azeez, appointed in 2019, has completed his term and should step down. He cited the college’s deteriorating state as a reason for demanding new leadership.

In response, Azeez defended his position, stating that his tenure, which began on May 26, 2023, was duly authorized by the Federal Ministry of Education according to the new law signed on June 12, 2023.

He argued that any provost appointed before the new law should complete their term. Dr. Azeez urged grievances to be addressed through proper channels, emphasizing that unauthorised protests disrupting college operations would not be tolerated.

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