
APPLY: 2023 Carrington Entrepreneurship programme for students

The programme is aimed at equipping aspiring and emerging student entrepreneurs in tertiary institutions with the skills, knowledge, and network to adapt to the changing business environment, innovate, and scale their businesses towards promoting youth employment and economic growth.
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The Carrington Youth Fellowship Initiative, CYFI, is a dynamic youth-based initiative launched in 2011 by the U.S. Consulate General, Lagos.

The programme is aimed at equipping aspiring and emerging student entrepreneurs in tertiary institutions with the skills, knowledge, and network to adapt to the changing business environment, innovate, and scale their businesses towards promoting youth employment and economic growth.


Youth unemployment is a significant challenge in Nigeria, as young people between the ages of 15 and 35 constitute over 60% of the country’s population and make up a significant portion of the unemployed population. The majority of this population consists of university students, who bring their unique perspectives to drive innovation and address business issues but are limited by funding, expertise, and an enabling environment.


This programme will equip 50 aspiring and emerging student entrepreneurs in tertiary institutions across Lagos State with the skills, knowledge, and network to adapt to the changing business environment, innovate, and scale their businesses towards promoting youth employment and economic growth in Lagos State.

Application criteria

Applicants must be a/an:

  • Students in tertiary institutions
  • Not more than 18 – 35 years
  • Available to commit 3-4 hours weekly to the programme from August to November
  • Available to students in tertiary institutions in Lagos State only


  • Develop relevant knowledge and skills for business growth and success
  • Networking opportunities
  • Access to business support services and communities
  • Mentorship from seasoned industry-specific business professionals
  • Pitching opportunity to raise investment for your business

Application procedure and deadline

Applications can be completed through the online portal. Application deadline is June 30, 2023.

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