
APPLY: 2023 IAEA Marie-Curie Scholarship Programme for int’l students

The programme aims to support an inclusive workforce of both men and women for the future, contributing to global scientific and technological innovation from all over the world as diversity gives opportunity to greater creativity and productivity.
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IAEA Marie-Curie Scholarship Programme provides scholarships for up to 100 selected applicants annually, to help enhance the pool of qualified young women in the nuclear field.

It also aims to support an inclusive workforce of both men and women for the future, contributing to global scientific and technological innovation from all over the world as diversity gives opportunity to greater creativity and productivity.

The application process has opened for female students interested in applying for a scholarship from the IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) towards their Master’s degrees in nuclear science and technology, nuclear safety and security or non-proliferation.

Selected students receive a scholarship for Master’s programmes in nuclear related studies at accredited universities. They are also provided with an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA for up to 12 months.

Scholarships are awarded annually to 100 plus students depending on the availability of funds. Consideration is given to field of study, and geographic and linguistic diversity.

The fellowship programme is open to female students from IAEA Member States who have been accepted or are enrolled in a Master’s programme at an accredited university. Consideration will be given to geographic distribution, the field of study distribution and linguistic diversity.

The IAEA MSCFP is open to students from IAEA Member States who meet the following entry requirements:

Female candidates;
Accepted by or enrolled in an accredited university in Master’s programme in a nuclear related field.
Preference will be given to applicants with above average academic credentials (75% or above or GPA > 3.0 out of 4.0).


The students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for the Master’s programme.

Application procedure and deadline

Application can be completed through the online portal.  Application deadline is September 30, 2023.

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