
APPLY: 2024 Africa Dyslexia Advocate Fellowship

The mission of the Africa Dyslexia Organisation is to amplify awareness and advocacy about dyslexia and related learning differences across Africa.
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Applications are open for the Africa Dyslexia Advocate Fellowship 2024. The mission of the Africa Dyslexia Organisation is to amplify awareness and advocacy about dyslexia and related learning differences across Africa. They aim to equip educators with the tools to support students with diverse learning needs, drive impactful research on dyslexia, engage with educational agencies, foster a knowledgeable and proactive community, and empower individuals to champion the cause of dyslexia.

To further the mission, they are excited to unveil the Dyslexia Advocate Fellowship Program. This groundbreaking initiative seeks passionate individuals keen on making a transformative difference in the lives of people with dyslexia in Africa.

In this inaugural cohort, they have set their sights on:

Recruiting two dedicated individuals from each of the 54 African countries.
Cultivating a team of advocates to spread awareness and garner support for individuals with dyslexia across Africa.


Be committed to the mission of the Africa Dyslexia Organization;
Be between the ages of 18-55;
Have acquired a minimum of a post-secondary certified training and qualifications;
Be available to dedicate a minimum of 2 years for the program;
Have a verifiable minimum of one year of volunteer and one year of work experience.
An ideal candidate is one who:

Is committed to the mission and vision of the Africa Dyslexia Organization.
Is flexible, independent, and has sense of effort and sense of humor.
Self-motivated and has interest in volunteer work.
Has absorptive capacity to learning on the project.
Appreciates and respects other languages, cultures, religious and social norms.
Has a great deal of social networking skills.


While the African Dyslexia Advocate Program does not offer monetary compensation, the benefits are manifold:

A two-year, dynamic training program.
Representing the Africa Dyslexia Organization in your country.
Elevating dyslexia awareness across Africa.
Gaining professional experience and honing new skills.
Being part of a dedicated team working towards inclusivity.

Application procedure and deadline

Applications can be completed through the online portal. Application deadline is November 15, 2023

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