
APPLY: 2024 Cambridge Africa Changemakers Scholarship

The Cambridge Africa Changemakers Scholarship is a programme of full-cost scholarships for PhD students in any subject, open to candidates from any country in Africa.
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Applications are now open for the Cambridge Africa Changemakers Scholarship 2024 for African students.

The award is open to African students with excellent academic qualifications and a commitment to making a difference on the African continent. The scholarship will provide full tuition fees and living expenses for the duration of the programme.

The Cambridge Africa Changemakers Scholarship is a programme of full-cost scholarships for PhD students in any subject, open to candidates from any country in Africa. It is tenable at any college.

It aims to provide support to talented students who require financial assistance to take up their places at the university. Priority will be given to students whose research contributes to the development of the continent and to climate-resilient and sustainable futures for Africa and the world.

The African Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is a merit-based scholarship that will be awarded to students based on their academic record, research potential, and financial need. The scholarship will cover tuition fees, a living allowance, and a research grant.

Eligibility Criteria
The Applicant’s research area must contribute to the development of the African continent and to climate-resilient and sustainable futures for Africa and the world

University tuition fee
Annual stipend (sufficient for a single person)
Immigration Health Surcharge

Travel and research costs

How to apply
No separate application is required for this scholarship, only the application for admission to the University of Cambridge, which must be submitted by the funding deadline specific to your course (please refer to the Postgraduate Course Directory).

Visit the official webpage for more details.

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