
Degree Saga: Investigative panel unveils terms of reference, committee members, agencies

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The investigative panel set up by the Federal Ministry of Education to delve into degree certification in Nigerian private universities has released its comprehensive terms of reference.

The terms of reference is aimed at outlining a meticulous examination to uncover the truth behind the allegations and address systemic weaknesses contributing to the problem.

The panel, tasked with scrutinizing the role of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and their officials in facilitating the recognition and procurement of counterfeit certificates, seeks to identify any complicit individuals.

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The committee members

Additionally, it will review existing accreditation and certification policies, aiming to pinpoint weaknesses that may have enabled the proliferation of fake degrees.

Furthermore, the investigation extends to assessing the rules, procedures, and processes for recognizing and accrediting foreign universities and programs by the Federal Ministry of Education.

A key focus is on determining the existence of unapproved foreign institutions, commonly known as Degree Mills, within Nigeria and revealing their identities and locations.

As part of its multifaceted approach, the panel will provide recommendations for the revision of rules, procedures, and processes to prevent a recurrence of such fraudulent activities.

Sanctions for identified erring officials will also be proposed, contributing to a robust system of recognitions, accreditations, and quality assurance of degrees in Nigeria.

Beyond these measures, the investigative panel will scrutinize the rules, procedures, and processes for granting provisional licenses to new universities by the National Universities Commission (NUC).

Additionally, it will assess the effectiveness of the procedures for periodic accreditation of programs, ensuring quality assurance in university offerings.

Going a step further, the panel will impartially examine whether private universities established in the last 15 years adhere to prescribed facilities, possess an appropriate management structure, secure adequate funding for programs, and maintain a requisite staff, including the nature of staff roles—whether full-time, contract, adjunct, visiting, or other types.
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This all-encompassing investigation is poised to unravel the intricacies of the degree certificate racket, providing a comprehensive view of the issue while proposing measures to fortify the integrity of higher education in Nigeria.

Names of Committee Members of Inter-Ministerial Investigation:Committee members and agencies:

Prof. J.D. Amin: Chairman, BOT Committee of Vice Chancellors, Dr. Chris Maiyaki: Acting Executive Secretary NUC,Amb. Lazarus I. Kpasaba MNI: Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Abel Olarenwaju: Office of the National Security Adviser,Omeh Nwokpoku: Office of the National Security Adviser,Amina Mohd Lugga: Federal Ministry of Youth Development,Mrs. Doom Iyortyom: Joint Admission and Matriculation Board

Federal Ministry of Justice Secretariat

Abubakar Kimba,Director ICT FME,Rakiya Ilyasu, Director Universities FME,Emmanuel Okposin,Deputy Director Office of the Permanent Secretary,John Ali Kwaghe, Technical Assistant to HME.

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