
English students association of Nigeria to hold conference in UNIPORT

The ICOSELS is an annual programme usually organised by the NASELS to discuss the current trends in English and Literary Studies
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The National Association of Students of English and Literary Studies (NASELS), Nigeria, is set to hold its 15th International Conference of Students of English and Literary Studies (ICOSELS) of the year 2023 at Port Harcourt state.

According to the flier released by the Association, this year’s event tagged: “THE UNTOLD ICOSELS” is scheduled to hold between July 30th and 5th August, 2023, at the University of Port Harcourt, between 9am and 2pm daily.

The ICOSELS is an annual programme usually organised by the NASELS to discuss the current trends in English and Literary Studies.

The programme will have in attendance Professor Kwabena Sarfo-Kantankah, a Professor of Political Discourse, Department of English, University of Cape-Coast, Ghana as a keynote speaker. Among the speakers is Dr Mansur Isa Buhari of the Department of English and Literary Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS).

Part of the activities that will be held at the program are: Spoken Words, Poetry competition, Spelling Bee, Debate Competition, and Drama Presentation.

The delegates of each school from Nigeria are required to pay a sum of seven thousand naira (N7,000), while foreign delegate students are required to pay a sum of thirty US dollars ($30).

By: Dauda Musbau

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