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Federal Ministry of Education embraces artificial intelligence to boost productivity, innovation

This initiative underscores the ministry’s proactive stance in adopting cutting-edge technologies to meet the evolving needs of the Nigerian educational landscape.
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The Federal Ministry of Education has embraced Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. 

Led by the Permanent Secretary, Didi Esther Walson-Jack, the ministry  organised a comprehensive training programme on AI for its directors and senior management staff in Abuja.

The initiative underscores the commitment of the ministry to compliance with the Federal Civil Service’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) policy, aiming to streamline processes and optimize resource utilisation.

Walson-Jack emphasised the transformative potential of AI, noting its ability to enable individuals to achieve more with fewer resources and less time. 

She highlighted AI’s applications in automating routine tasks, facilitating data analysis, enhancing decision-making processes, and fostering policy development.

The training programme, facilitated by Gideon Adogbo, an experienced AI Consultant, provided participants with hands-on experience in utilizing AI tools to improve their work processes. 

Adogbo stressed the importance of scaling such training initiatives across all staff levels, emphasising the need for everyone to acquire AI knowledge to remain relevant in the modern work environment.

The integration of AI into the education sector is expected to revolutionise policy decisions, enable personalised education approaches, and enhance teacher training programmes. 

Additionally, AI technology will help bridge language barriers, making it easier for individuals to access information and services in their native languages.

Walson-Jack affirmed the Ministry’s commitment to harnessing AI’s power to enhance productivity, efficiency, and innovation across the education sector. 

This initiative underscores the ministry’s proactive stance in adopting cutting-edge technologies to meet the evolving needs of the Nigerian educational landscape.

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