
Institute Of Agricultural Research & Training Recruitment For Non-academic Staff

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Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Moor Plantation, Ibadan – Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following vacant academic and non-academic positions.
A. Academic
(i) Research Fellow I (Plant Pathology)
(ii.) Research Fellow I (Soil Fertility)
(iii) Research Fellow I (Agronomy)
(iv) Research Fellow I (Plant Breeding)
(v) Research Fellow I (Agricultural/Environmental Engineering)
(vi) Research Fellow I (Entomology)
(vii) Junior Research Fellow/ Research Fellow III Research Fellow I (Agricultural Extension)
(viii) Junior Research Fellow/ Research Fellow III Research Fellow I (Animal Sciences)
(ix) Senior Librarian
(x) Librarian I/II
(i) Staff Nurse/Nursing Officer
(ii) Agricultural Superintendent (Crop Production/Agricultural Extension option)
(iii) Agricultural Superintendent (Agricultural Engineering option)
(iv) Agricultural Superintendent (Animal Production)
(v) Animal Health Superintendent
(vi) Higher Technical Officer (Electrical/Electronic Engineering)
(vii) Higher Technical Officer (Mechanical Engineering)
(viii) Higher Technical Officer (Statistics)
(ix) Higher Technical Officer (Administration)
(x) Higher Technical Officer (Accounts/Audit)
(xi) Confidential Secretary I
(xii) Systems Analyst
A. Academic Staff
(i) Research Fellow I (Plant Pathology)
M.Sc./Ph.D in Plant Pathology. Years of cognate experience and publication in reputable journals are required.
(ii) Research Fellow I (Soil Fertility)
M.Sc./Ph.D in Soil Fertility. Years of cognate experience and publications in reputable journals are required.
(iii) Research Fellow I (Agronomy)
M.Sc./Ph.D in Agronomy. Years of cognate experience and publications in reputable journals are required.
(iv) Research Fellow I (Plant Breeding)
M.Sc./Ph.D in Plant Breeding. Years of cognate experience and publications in reputable journals are required.
(v) Research Fellow I (Agricultural/Environmental Engineering)
B.Sc (Hons) in Agricultural Engineering. M.Sc/Ph.D in Environmental Pollution, years of cognate experience and publications in reputable journals are required.
(vi) Research Fellow I
M. Sc/Phd in Entomology, years of cognate experience and publications in reputable journals are required.
(vii) Junior Research Fellow/Research Fellow II/Research Fellow I
M. Sc/Phd in Agricultural Extension. For Research Fellow I, years of cognate experience and publications in reputable journals are required.
(viii) Junior Research Fellow/Research Fellow II/Research Fellow I
M. Sc/Rhd in Animal Sciences. For Research Fellow I, years of cognate experience and publications in reputable journals are required.
(ix) Senior Librarian
M.Sc in Sciences or Applied Sciences. 5 years of cognate experience in a University Library and publications in reputable journals are required. Must be computer literate and should have a good understanding of the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the functions of the University Library.
(x) Librarian I/II
Must possess a good honours degree preferably in Science and applied Sciences plus Master degree in Library Science from a recognized university. Computer literacy will be an added advantage. For Librarian I, 2 years of cognate experience in the university library and publications in reputable journals are required. Must be computer literate and should have a good understanding of the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the functions of the University Library.
B. Non-Academic Staff
(i.) Staff Nurse I / Nursing Officer
For the Staff Nurse I. Graduate Registered Nurses without post qualification experience. For Nursing Officer, possession of NRN or the NRM or their equivalent
who have been duly registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria plus at least 3 years post qualification cognate experience.
(ii-v) Agricultural Superintendent (Crop Production/Animal Production/ Agricultural Extension/Agricultural Engineering/options) and Animal Health Superintendent.
West African School Certificate plus Higher Diploma in Animal Health/Agriculture from a recognized College of Agriculture.
(vi-viii) Higher Technical Officer (Electrical/Electronic Engineering)!(Mechanical Engineering)/(Statistics)
West African School Certificate plus Higher Diploma or equivalent in relevant field.
(ix-x) Higher Executive Officer (Administration) and (Accounts/Audit)
West African School Certificate plus Higher Diploma or equivalent in the relevant fild.
(xi) Confidential Secretary I
West African School Certificate preferable with credit in English Language or GCE ‘O’ Level or equivalent and RSA or Pitman or Government Certificate or their equivalent for 120/50wpm in Shorthand and Typewriting plus 8 years stenographic! Secretarial experience or university degree plus RSA or Pitman or Government certificate for 150/50wpm
(xii) Systems Analyst II
A good first degree in computer science or other relevant discipline with formal training in system analysis and computer programming.
1. Academic Staff
(i) Research Fellow I/Senior Librarian
CONUASS 4: N1,122,751.00 – N1,444,535.00
(ii) Research Fellow II/Librarian I
CONUASS 3: N897,501.00 – N1,074,314.00
(iii) Junior Research Fellow I Librarian II
CONUASS 2: N794,260.00 – N957,402.00
2. Non-Academic Staff
(i) Nursing Officer
CONTISS 08: N671,747.00 – N998,031.00
(ii) Agricultural Superintendent/Animal Health Superintendent
CONTISS 07: N579,391 .00 – N857,305.00
(iii) Higher Technical Officer/Higher Executive Officer/Confidential Secretary II System Analyst III Staff Nurse I
CONTISS 07: N579,391.00 – N857,305.00
Application Closing Date
10th July, 2014
Method of Application
Candidates are required to submit 5 copies of their applications and their up-to- date Curriculum Vitae giving the following information in the order listed below to the Deputy Registrar/Secretary to the Institute of Agriculture Research and Training, PMB 5029, Moor Plantation, Ibadan.
*.Full name (Surname first in capital letters)
*.Post applied for
*.Date and Place of Birth
*.Permanent Home Address
*.Current Postal Address/Telephone Number
*.Marital Status
*.Number of Children and their Ages
*.Academic/Professional Qualifications obtained with dates.
*.Work Experience
*.Present Employment Status and Salary
*.Publications and Current Research Activities
*.Professional Accomplishment and Contributions to knowledge
*.Any other Relevant InformationCandidates are also required to name three referees who should submit confidential reports on them to the
Deputy Registrar/Secretary the Institute of Agriculture Research and Training,
PMB 5029,
Moor Plantation,

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