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JUST IN: JAMB releases 2024 supplementary UTME results

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB ) has announced the release of the results of candidates, who participated in the supplementary Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted between Friday, 21st and Saturday, 22nd June 2024.
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The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB ) has announced the release of the results of candidates, who participated in the supplementary Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted between Friday, 21st and Saturday, 22nd June 2024.

The spokesperson of JAMB, Dr Fabian Benjamin, made this known on Friday in a statement in Abuja.

He noted that the supplementary examination was conducted for 28,835 candidates, who were unable to be biometrically verified during the main 2024 UTME and were, therefore, unable to take their examination.

Benjamin added that the other category of candidates were those suspected to have been involved in examination malpractices during the main UTME but who were given a second chance to sit the examination.

According to him, the exercise, which recorded a huge success nationwide, was marked by heightened security measures put in place by the Board to preclude any instance of examination infractions.

“As such, some nefarious characters, who had attempted to impersonate bona fide candidates were apprehended and handed over to law enforcement agencies for further investigation and prosecution.

“The Board would continue to ensure that no candidate benefits from any acts of infractions through the deployment of state-of-the-art technology before, during and after its examinations.

“Candidates are, therefore, urged in their interest to refrain from engaging in any form of irregularities during their examinations.

“They are also enjoined to desist from soliciting score upgrades from fraudsters or engage in the mutilation of their result sheets while trying to generate fake result sheets with higher scores.

“To check their supplementary UTME results, candidates are to send UTMERESULT to either 55019 or 66019 through the same phone number they had used to generate their profile codes at the start of registration,” JAMB stated.

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