
Kith and Kin Educational Schools Trains School Heads and Management Staff in Creating Culture of Thinking in School

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Akeem Alao Babatunde

Mediocrity, incompetence and excellence are transmissible. And a school environment must be adequately protected against transmission of some academically disadvantageous traits. To achieve this, the staff have to be refined and upgraded through training and refresher courses. Competent staff – teaching and non teaching – birth competent students. Keeping incompetents and mediocrities in a school setting is dangerous to the academic growth of the students.

The intention of the Chief Learning Officer of Kith and Kin Educational Schools, Chief Kaoli Olusanya is to invest in the capacity building of every staff member in the school. He certainly achieves this by expending reasonable monetary efforts on all the staff.
It has become the culture of the school to send staff to periodic training relevant to their area of specification and/or position in the school.

The second set of this capacity building training are the school management staff comprised of the three school heads and heads of various departments.

Today’s training centres on the best way of creating a culture of thinking in school. It is believed that the fundamental goal of schools must include developing students thinking. Teachers must be consistent in driving a thinking skill in schools. It pedagogically faulty and ethically unbecoming of teachers to impose their thinking on the students. The students are expected to be guided to develop their own thinking. To create this culture of thinking in a school, the school heads have to be equiped with the essential tools. This is the reason why CLO is much concerned about the intellectual growth and development of the staff. He therefore decided to equip all the school heads with the essential tools available at the training held at Corona College of Education by seasoned and experienced academics. After the training, the teachers in each school will be trained by their head so as to enable them create the culture of critical thinking in the students.

Kith and Kin Schools is determined to providing the best education the services.

Kudos to the Chief Learning Officers!

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