
Lagos announces scholarship for indigenes

Lagos state has announced its scholarship programme for indigenes of the state. This was confirmed in a statement released on Friday, May 19.
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Lagos state has announced its scholarship programme for indigenes of the state. This was confirmed in a statement released on Friday, May 19.

The statement reads in part: “The Executive Secretary of the Lagos State Scholarship Board wishes to inform indigenous students of Lagos State in tertiary institutions across the country and intending to be beneficiaries of either Bursary or Scholarship Award that application forms for both Awards for 2022/2023 academic year will be on sale from Thursday, 1st June; 2023 and closes by 12 midnight of Friday, 30th June; 2023.

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“REGISTRATION PORTAL will be open by 12 midnight of Thursday, 1st June; 2023 while closure of the portal will be 12 midnight of Friday, 30th June; 2023.

“It is therefore advisable for intending beneficiaries to make sure that they purchase and fill their forms online on or before the closing date.

“Interested applicants should please visit Lagos State Scholarship Board’s website on and our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter handles @lagosscholar for further details,” the statement added.

Data obtained from the official website reveals that the cost of application varies across different levels of education. Also, the bursary and scholarship awards also vary with different levels of education.

The education levels the scholarship caters to include: primary, secondary, tertiary (technical colleges, education colleges, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate), as well and law and maritime academy.

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