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Lagos Education Office, Educators plan 2024/2025 academic calendar

The Lagos State Office of Education Quality Assurance has met with stakeholders from both public and private educational sectors to harmonise the 2024/2025 academic calendar starting in September.
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The Lagos State Office of Education Quality Assurance has met with stakeholders from both public and private educational sectors to harmonise the 2024/2025 academic calendar starting in September.

A statement by the agency noted that the stakeholders’ meeting, held at the Education Resource Centre in Ojodu, was chaired by the Director of the Quality Assurance Department, Mrs Hameedat Sanni.

During the meeting, Sanni emphasised the importance of collaborative efforts in creating a unified schedule that accommodates diverse interests and responsibilities.

She explained that the final consensus from the meeting would be forwarded to the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education in Lagos State, Mr Jamiu Alli-Balogun, saying he had the prerogative to approve the resolutions for the school calendar to become effective and authentic.

Sanni stated, “A harmonised calendar will not only enhance organisational efficiency but will also support academic productivity and mental well-being among students and educators.

“Key objectives of the stakeholders’ meeting included outlining essential dates and events critical for maintaining a cohesive academic schedule across schools.”

She also called for increased attention to students’ health and hygiene, particularly in light of the current cholera outbreak.

Sanni advocated for regular handwashing practices and vigilant monitoring of food safety to safeguard students’ well-being.

The Director of Planning, Research and Statistics, Mr Remi Abdul, explained that the content of the proposed school calendar aligned with UNESCO standards.

ownershool owners not to circulate the proposed 2024/2025 academic calendar yet, as it is not a working document until it has been ratified and approved by the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education, Alli-Balogun.

During his presentation, Deputy Director Mr David Ojelade described the administration of Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu as one that values inputs from all relevant stakeholders before making decisions.

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