
LASU launches scooters as alternative intra-campus transport

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The Lagos state university (LASU) has launched trekk scooters as alternative model of transportation on its main campus in Ojo.

While introducing the innovation, the Director, LASU Ventures Limited, Prof. Tosin Adu, said the innovation was berthed as a product of the partnership between LASU Ventures Limited and the TREKK Scooters company.

According to Adu, the University entered the partnership to provide the students with alternative transportation while making the University more eco-friendly.

He appreciated the University management for approving the partnership.

“TREKK Scooters offers an eco-friendly alternative to the shuttle service on the Campus and allows students to unlock the scooters parked at the University Main Gate, Ojo, Lagos, pay a designated amount using the TREKK App and ride the vehicle anywhere on the Campus,” Adu said.

Isaac Oyedokun, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the e-Scooters sharing platform said that LASU is the first public University that would be hosting the platform.


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