
Lecturer orders meal for student to practicalise e-commerce

A lecturer of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUS) from the Business Administration department, Dr Yakubu Shaba ordered a meal for a student online while teaching GST 312 at MH2 lecture hall on Saturday, October 28, 2023, to practicalize e-commerce.
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A lecturer of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUS) from the Business Administration department, Dr Yakubu Shaba ordered a meal for a student online while teaching GST 312 at MH2 lecture hall on Saturday, to practicalize e-commerce.

The GST 312 is a general subject course titled “Venture Creation and Growth.” The lecturer placed the order while explaining e-commerce as a form of online business to the students. He asked one of the students at the forefront of the classroom what she would like to eat. The lady identified as Olugbon Hawau Titilayo said she cares for pounded yam with vegetables.

Then, Dr Shaba puts a call to an eatery, but the response was that pounded yam was not available, which made Hawau settled for fried rice and chicken.

Dr Shaba noted, “This is to show you that there is nothing that is not possible to do online. Everyone has to be digitally literate in this century.” He said that many people are working for him and getting paid monthly without ever seeing them which is a result of technology.

All the students appreciated the lecturer for making the concept explicit to them. Hawau was glad and grateful for the meal. “I ate the food together with my friends and we enjoyed it. A beautiful thanks to the exceptional lecturer, someone like him is rare. May Allah bless him more,” she expressed joyfully.

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