
NGO Unveils Malala Funds Education Project In Kano, Targets 285,000 Girls

Bridge Connect Africa Initiative (BCAI), a non-governmental organisation, has unveiled an educational project targeting to increase the number of girls that finish senior secondary school by 285,000 in three years across Kano State.
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Bridge Connect Africa Initiative (BCAI), a non-governmental organisation, has unveiled an educational project targeting to increase the number of girls that finish senior secondary school by 285,000 in three years across Kano State.

The Malala funded project tagged, ‘Bridging Access to Girls Education Project (BAGE) according to the executive director of BCAI, Sani Muhammed, seeks to improve girls’ access to quality secondary education by addressing issues around access, transition and completion of secondary education through advocacy for increased investment.

Muhammad made this known while addressing a press conference to unveil the project in Kano.

He said most girls, especially in rural areas, tend to drop out of school or engage in early marriage after the nine years basic education as a result of distance or unavailability of some structures such as toilets, hence the project would work with the state government and other stakeholders to ensure availability of such structures around them to ensure completion.

He said, “It is worth mentioning that part of our advocacy efforts between 2018 and 2023 led to the adoption of a free and compulsory basic education policy in Kano State in 2021,and subsequently, the passage of the Kano State Child Protection Law 2023.
“Through this grant, BCAI along with other global advocates and educators from Nigeria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, and Tanzania will implement projects and initiatives to address barriers hindering girls’ access to education”.

“As a step towards achieving our project objectives, we are using this medium to call on the good people of Kano and all concerned stakeholders in the education sector to join in our cause.

“We believe in the power of collaboration in our concerted effort towards advancing girls’ education and addressing their specific needs.”

He further thanked Malala Fund for supporting girl child education around the world, as well as the state government and other stakeholders for their consistent support.

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Aisha Bala Sirajo
Aisha Bala Sirajo
10 months ago

Im really happy to hear this project in my state kano well appreciated because we have a large number of girls that doesn’t go to school some have started but couldn’t finish and some are hawkers selling things on the street hope this program will bring some changes thanks for bringing this program to kano state. If possible i will like to join your program as i did during the VSO program 2013 thanks once again

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