
How Nigerian University of Technology and Management plans to become Africa’s MIT

Edugist explored the innovative strides being made at the Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM), where the founding President, Babs Omotowa, (PhD), shared his ambitious vision for the institution.
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In a recent facility tour, Edugist explored the innovative strides being made at the Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM), where the founding President, Babs Omotowa, (PhD), shared his ambitious vision for the institution.

Becoming Africa’s MIT 

Babs Omotowa articulated NUTM’s overarching mission – to position itself as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of Africa and to secure a spot among the top 50 global universities. The emphasis lies in nurturing creative and innovative leaders poised to shape the future on a global scale.

Focus on Technology and Management

Recognising the pivotal role of technology and management in personal development, NUTM places a strategic focus on these areas. The institution aims to fill a void often addressed by sending students abroad to prestigious institutions like Harvard, Oxford, and MIT. NUTM seeks to create a local hub for world-class education.

Preparing Students for the Future

According to Omotowa, technology is a linchpin for success in the contemporary world. NUTM is committed to preparing students for the future by providing them with a curriculum designed to foster technological proficiency, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills.

Global Faculty Standards

Drawing inspiration from the Indian Institute of Technology, NUTM understands the importance of a world-class faculty in building a world-class university. To this end, the institution boasts faculties with pedigrees from renowned institutions such as Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, and MIT, ensuring a top-tier learning experience.

Relevant Curriculum for Industry and Future

One standout feature of NUTM’s approach is the development of a curriculum tailored to meet industry needs and future challenges. The institution aims to equip its students with practical skills and knowledge that will make them highly sought after in the job market.

Aiming for Excellence in Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership

NUTM’s ambition aligns with its dedication to excellence in technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership. By mirroring successful models like MIT and leveraging insights from globally esteemed faculties, the university aspires to be a catalyst for transformative change in Africa and beyond.

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Babs Omotowa, president, Nigerian University of Technology & Management.

Currently, NUTM offers one-of-a-kind, interdisciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, delivered by esteemed faculty from Ivy League and Russell Group Universities, along with accomplished local industry professionals.

Admission into NUTM’s undergraduate programme is open now, as the academic year will begin in January next year at the NUTM campus in Lagos. Click here to apply:

As NUTM forges ahead with its mission, eyes are on this emerging educational powerhouse, poised to redefine the landscape of higher education in Africa and contribute significantly to the global academic arena.

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