
OSPOLY: Mass Communication students decry department fee hike amidst allegations of HOD control

Mass Communication students at OSPOLY express dissatisfaction over a recent departmental fee increase, claiming HOD’s influence on the decision.
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Students under the National Association of Mass Communication Students of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, have expressed discontent over the increased departmental fee, attributing it to the control exerted by the Head of Department (HOD) on the executives.

According to a memo from NAMACOS executives, signed by President Olowe Micheal and Financial Secretary Ilesanmi Samuel, ND1 and HND1 Mass Communication Students are now required to pay #1,800, while ND2 and HND2 students are charged #1,500.

Newly admitted HND1 Mass Communication Student, Asiyanbi Abraham, voiced concern over the fee hike, stating, “Departmental fee is now 1,800. This is too much. We understand the country’s economy is not friendly at all, but in that case, we shouldn’t be inconveniencing ourselves. They should be considerate. It is too much.”

Oyelami Oluwaseun, an HND2 Mass Communication Student, suggested that considering the department’s large population, the fees should have been reduced from the previous session.

In an exclusive interview, NAMACOS President Olowe Micheal attributed the fee increment to the high cost of items in the country, triggered by the fuel subsidy removal. He emphasized the need to fulfill campaign promises, including providing identification cards for every mass communication student.

Notably, ND1 and HND1 remitted #1,500 for NAMACOS departmental fee last session, which has now increased to #1,800. ND2 and HND2, who paid #1,000 previously, are now required to pay #1,500 under President Olowe Micheal’s leadership.

The Source who spoke with Edugist claimed that the head of the department is the one calling the shots.

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