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Oyo varsity expels students over colleague’s death

Ajayi Crowther University on Saturday said it had expelled some students of the institution who were involved in a fight that led to the death of their colleague.
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Ajayi Crowther University on Saturday said it had expelled some students of the institution who were involved in a fight that led to the death of their colleague.

Although the university did not disclose the number of students expelled, it said those affected did not belong to a cult group.

In a statement on Saturday, it explained that the deceased had been accused of stealing a mobile phone before the “unfortunate death of the student”.

The statement read, “Contrary to what is trending, the university affirms that there is no cultism in the institution, just as the university has zero tolerance for any sort of anti-social vices and misconduct. It is important to stress that the expelled students do not belong to any cult group.

“What actually happened is that the deceased was alleged to have stolen a mobile telephone, but instead of reporting the issue to the university management, the expelled students could not control their emotions. Their actions led to the unfortunate death of the student.

The university has taken swift action by handing over  all the students involved to the Nigeria Police Force for investigation, with the assurance  that justice will be served.”

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