
Parents responsible for exam malpractice – Expert

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untitled2A SENIOR lecturer at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Dr Kehinde Ayoola, has blamed desperate parents for the increasing rate of examination malpractice.

Speaking to Vanguard Learning, Ayoola said students misuse their leisure time with distraction like play stations, facebook, among others leaving their parents, who are desperate for their ward to be admitted into institutions of higher learning no choice but to engage in the act.

“Despite security and punitive measures put in place to check the act, exam malpractice has continued to thrive in every national and internal exams in our schools. The withholding of 12,110 results for the year’s UTME proves that more still needs to be done to stem the tide.

“Students have wrong notions of examinations and, as a result, they don’t adequately prepare which inadvertently leads to their failure.”

Proffering solutions, Ayoola called for a nation wide campaign on the dangers of engaging in the act. He also tasked the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) and other concerned NGOs to work with the public and the government to rid the system of this act.

Advising students to be more studious and build their future on honesty and sincerity, Ayoola said “when the foundation is faulty, the building is sure to collapse.”

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