
Philanthropist donates desks for Ikot Effanga school,Calabar

The response from both the anonymous donor and the community showcases the power of collective action and highlights the importance of solidarity in tackling educational challenges.
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Philanthropist from Cross River has stepped forward to address the dire situation at Ikot Effanga Primary School. The generous benefactor has donated a substantial sum of N1.5 million to fund the production of 120 desks, each designed to accommodate four pupils.

This was made known by Agba Jalingo in a post made on Facebook.

These desks will provide much-needed seating for the students, transforming their learning environment from the floor to a proper workspace.

The philanthropist’s contribution aims to alleviate the immediate struggles faced by the students at Ikot Effanga School and another yet-to-be-disclosed institution. With an efficient timeline in mind, the desks are set to be ready for use within the next three weeks, ensuring swift relief for the affected pupils.

Additionally, this act of kindness has ignited a wave of support from the local community. Various efforts are underway to encourage public participation in this initiative. The People Action Committee (PAC) is actively working behind the scenes to institutionalise and sustain this support, ensuring a long-lasting positive impact on the schools and their students.

The response from both the anonymous donor and the community showcases the power of collective action and highlights the importance of solidarity in tackling educational challenges. As the initiative progresses, the community remains hopeful that this support will not only provide immediate relief but also serve as a catalyst for broader improvements in the education sector.

Read also:Community steps up to revamp Ikot Effanga primary school Calabar amidst government neglect

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