
PHOTO: US-based Nigerian art student breaks decade-old record for longest painting marathon

Chancellor is a sophomore at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He far surpassed the previous record of 60 hours, set by Roland Palmaerts (Belgium/Canada) in 2013.
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A Nigerian art student based in the United States, Chancellor Ahaghotu has broken a decade-old record for the longest painting marathon. This comes after painting for 100 consecutive hours.

Chancellor is a sophomore at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He far surpassed the previous record of 60 hours, set by Roland Palmaerts (Belgium/Canada) in 2013.

For this record, the challenger can either work on one large painting or create multiple ones, but the painting(s) must be of a recognizable image; abstract painting is not permissible. Over the course of four days, Chancellor worked tirelessly to produce 106 pieces depicting all manner of subjects, including celebrities, food items, plants, animals, and much more.

The challenger is permitted a five-minute rest break for every continuous hour of activity – these rest breaks can be accumulated if not taken. They were the only times Chancellor could use the bathroom, eat, or sleep.

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