
PHOTOS: UNN student in France representing Nigeria at 2023 Cannes Lions

The 300-level student of mass communication is now in France representing Nigeria.
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Recall that Edugist reported that University of Nigeria Nsukka student, Chinalurumogu Eze won the 2023 Future Creative Leaders Academy (FCLA) prize for the Roger Hatchuel Student Academy (RHSA) and would represent Nigeria at the Cannes Lion Festival in France by June 2023.

The 300-level student of mass communication is now in France representing Nigeria.

The Cannes Lions brings together people who believe in the power of creativity from across the globe, for a week of celebrating, exploring, learning and networking.

Meanwhile, she had on June 5, 2023, alleged that the France Embassy in Abuja refused to grant her the visa for the trip. “It’s been a crazy and shitty couple of days since the refusal letter. Certainly, the future holds more for me and this is one of the challenges I’ll use to embellish my success story in due time. I did work so hard for this. My sweat. Everything went into this. It’s crazy.” she had lamented.

However, during a chat with Prime Business Africa on June 6, a day after she made the post, Miss Eze said the Embassy has backtracked.

“The embassy has changed its mind. The trip is in a few weeks’ time” she stated.

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Photo Credit: Twitter/@nalu_kings

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