
Student union opposes tuition fee hike at LASU

During the meeting, the union emphasized its commitment to a structured approach, aligning with the principles of ALUTA encapsulated in the 3C’s (Consultation, Confrontation, and Consolidation). In a plea for calm, LASUITES and newly admitted students are urged to trust the ongoing consultations and the due process being pursued.
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The 34th LASU Students’ Union has voiced its discontent. In light of the challenging circumstances, the student union held an emergency meeting with the Dean of Student Affairs to address the matter.

This statement was issued in response to the recent surge in tuition fees for newly admitted students at Lagos State University (LASU).

During the meeting, the union emphasized its commitment to a structured approach, aligning with the principles of ALUTA encapsulated in the 3C’s (Consultation, Confrontation, and Consolidation). In a plea for calm, LASUITES and newly admitted students are urged to trust the ongoing consultations and the due process being pursued.

The union assures newly admitted students that their concerns are being actively addressed through these consultations and promises a positive outcome. Emphasizing the principle that education should empower, not impoverish, the union stands firm in its commitment to safeguard the interests of students.

In a message to the LASU community, the union underscores the importance of cooperation and expresses gratitude for the continued support. The statement concludes with an electronic signature from the President, Haroun Dolapo Tobun, and the provided contact information for further communication.

For media inquiries, please contact the Public Relations office at the provided phone number. The LASU Students’ Union remains steadfast in its advocacy for affordable and empowering education.

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