
The Relationship Between Elijah and Elisha – Lessons for Leaders and Followers

Today, we will explore a significant relationship in the Bible between the prophet Elijah and his successor Elisha. This relationship provides us with valuable lessons about leadership, mentorship, and followership.
A chapter of the Bible opened.
Book of the Bible, photo credit: Google
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Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-15

1. The Call to Follow: A Lesson in Humility and Dedication

Scripture Reference: 1 Kings 19:19-21 When Elijah first met Elisha, he was plowing his father’s field with twelve yokes of oxen. Elijah threw his mantle upon Elisha, symbolizing the call to service and ministry. Elisha immediately left everything behind, slaughtered the oxen, and followed Elijah.

Lesson for Followers: Elisha’s immediate response to Elijah’s call teaches us the importance of complete surrender when God calls us to follow. Elisha left behind his former life to commit to the journey ahead. As followers, we must be willing to let go of worldly attachments and dedicate ourselves to learning from our leaders and growing in God’s purpose for our lives.

Application: When God places us under a leader, we should be willing to learn and grow under their guidance. Just as Elisha followed Elijah, we must be humble and teachable, recognizing that God uses mentors and leaders to shape our spiritual lives.

2. The Power of Persistence: A Lesson in Loyalty and Endurance

Scripture Reference: 2 Kings 2:1-6 As the time drew near for Elijah to be taken to heaven, he tested Elisha’s commitment by telling him to stay behind at several locations (Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and Jordan). Each time, Elisha replied, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.”

Lesson for Followers: Elisha’s refusal to leave Elijah shows us the importance of persistence and loyalty. He knew that there was more to learn and receive from Elijah before the transition of leadership occurred. Despite the challenges, Elisha stayed close to his mentor until the very end. This persistence paid off when he received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.

Lesson for Leaders: Leaders should recognize the dedication of their followers and provide opportunities for them to grow. Elijah allowed Elisha to journey with him through different stages, symbolizing a gradual transition in leadership. As leaders, we must encourage, challenge, and prepare our followers for greater responsibilities in God’s work.

Application: Followers should persist in their service, even when faced with challenges or when others discourage them from continuing. In times of testing, our loyalty to God and our leaders will be rewarded with spiritual growth and increased capacity for ministry.

3. The Mantle of Leadership: A Lesson in Passing the Baton

Scripture Reference: 2 Kings 2:9-10 Before Elijah was taken up to heaven, Elisha made a bold request: “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.” Elijah acknowledged that this was a difficult request but promised it would be granted if Elisha witnessed his departure.

Lesson for Leaders: Leaders must be intentional about mentoring the next generation and passing on their knowledge and spiritual authority. Elijah did not hold back from Elisha; he empowered him by giving him the opportunity to receive a greater anointing. A true leader desires that their successor accomplish even greater things in the kingdom of God.

Lesson for Followers: Elisha’s request for a double portion reflects his desire not only to continue Elijah’s work but to go beyond it. As followers, we should seek to grow spiritually, not for our own glory, but to further God’s work. It also teaches us that God honors bold prayers and requests when they are aligned with His will.

Application: Leaders, be intentional in raising successors who will carry the vision forward. Followers, don’t be afraid to ask God for more—more wisdom, more anointing, and more grace to serve His kingdom.

4. The Power of Continuity: A Lesson in Stepping into New Roles

Scripture Reference: 2 Kings 2:13-15 After Elijah was taken up to heaven, Elisha picked up the mantle that had fallen from Elijah. He immediately used it to strike the Jordan River, and the waters parted, just as they had for Elijah. The other prophets recognized that the spirit of Elijah now rested on Elisha.

Lesson for Followers: Elisha’s ability to perform miracles with Elijah’s mantle demonstrates that the same God who worked through our leaders will work through us if we remain faithful. When God transitions us into new roles, we must step out in faith and boldly act on what we have learned.

Lesson for Leaders: Elijah’s departure teaches leaders that their work will continue even after they leave. It is essential to equip followers to carry on the work, knowing that God will empower them to do even greater things. Leaders must trust that God’s plans will prevail through the next generation.

Application: When the time comes for leadership transitions, both leaders and followers must embrace the change with faith and trust in God’s plan. Followers must take up the mantle and lead with the wisdom and guidance they received, while leaders should gracefully step aside, knowing their legacy is in capable hands.


The relationship between Elijah and Elisha provides a model of what it means to lead and follow according to God’s purpose. Leaders should invest in their followers, equipping them to take on greater roles in God’s kingdom. Followers, in turn, must remain humble, dedicated, and persistent, ready to receive the mantle when the time comes.

As we reflect on this relationship, let us examine our roles as both leaders and followers in our Christian walk. Are we preparing others to succeed us? Are we faithful in our service and ready to carry forward God’s work when called upon?

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