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UNIOSUN awards N500,000 research grant to outstanding final-year students

Osun State University (UNIOSUN) on Thursday awarded a research grant of N500,000 to support some of its final-year undergraduate students whose research projects were found to be outstandingly excellent in conception, execution and ultimate potentialities for societal impact.
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Osun State University (UNIOSUN) on Thursday awarded a research grant of N500,000 to support some of its final-year undergraduate students whose research projects were found to be outstandingly excellent in conception, execution and ultimate potentialities for societal impact.

In addition, another scholarship award of #1.6M was granted to 16 students of the university by a USA-based group, Osun Development Forum (ODF) Texas under its scholarship scheme to support brilliant and less-privileged students from the state.

Speaking at the official presentation of cheques to the beneficiaries at the event held at the Osogbo main campus of the institution’s multi-purpose hall, the school Vice Chancellor, Prof. Odunayo Clement Adebooye stated that beneficiaries of both the university grants Osun Development Forum awards emerged through a transparent process.

Represented at the occasion by the university deputy VC, academics, Prof Adetunji Lawrence Kehinde, the Vice Chancellor, appreciated the gesture and charged the beneficiaries to ensure that, their studies do not suffer and cultivate the spirit of giving back to the society through philanthropic gestures.

He said, “I want to appreciate the gesture and profound support of Osun Development Forum to this University and the upcoming generation of Nigerians. This kind of intervention is what we need across Nigeria’s higher education sector.

“There are thousands of students who are exceptionally diligent but very unfortunately indigent. Such students need help from us as individuals, associations and organisations.

“I want to seize this golden opportunity to thank all members of the Forum, as I invite more associations, organisations and well-spirited individuals to do more for our students.”

In his own remark, President, ODF, Alhaji Kazeem Adetunji maintained that the award is not limited to UNIOSUN but all public universities in the state.

According to him, “We have done a lot of things by providing basic social amenities to the society and even bought medical equipment for various hospitals.

“This scholarship is part of our commitment to the development of education especially, at the publication institutions. We are giving 16 students this year.”

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