
Edugist Presents a Seasoned Academic, Folasade Adefisayo, to Proffer Ways to Revive and Strengthen Public Education in Nigeria

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Many Nigerians take unhelpful attitude to public schools because of the pathetic state of facilities in most public schools. Nigerians have concluded that nothing good comes out of public schools. They do everything possible to make sure their children receive quality education at private schools.

If majority of today’s leaders are products of public education, apparently, something is definitely missing in the public school system. Considering the importance of education in Nigeria, there is radical and desperate need to restore the lost glory in this system.

To facilitate this restoration, seasoned academics in the education sector need to meet minds to proffer lasting solutions to this systemic failure in Nigerian public education.

This week on Radio One 103.5 FM, edugist, a blog that reports on education issues across the country, presents a seasoned Nigerian academic and teacher of teachers, Mrs Folasade Adefisayo, to discuss some of the efficacious ways to revive and strengthen public education in Nigeria.

Who is Folasade Adefisayo?

Mrs Folasade Adefisayo is a Nigerian academic and a teacher of teachers. She is the Principal Consultant/CEO at Leading Learning Limited. She is a former Executive Director, Corona Schools Trust Council. She has also worked as the Finance and Admin Manager for Tetra Park (West Africa) Ltd, Lagos Nigeria.
Mrs Folasade attended the University of Ibadan where she received a bachelor’s degree in Zoology. She obtained a master’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Lagos. She was passionate about education and youth development. Then, she realised the need to acquire the prerequisite skills needed to contribute significantly towards quality education in Nigeria. She therefore proceeded to obtain IPGCE certification at University of Nottingham. She later obtained her Master’s degree in Education at University of Nottingham.

As a seasoned educationist, Mrs Folasade has conducted training for schools and organisations on leadership development, school management, business Planning and management, capacity building, team building, teaching methodologies, curriculum planning, etc.
Visit for more information about Mrs Folasade Adefisayo.

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