
13-year-old Nigerian boy emerges Africa’s youngest certified AWS developer associate

Agboola achieved the feat after a gruelling two-hour examination that tested his skills and knowledge in deploying, troubleshooting, and development on the AWS cloud platform.
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At only 13 years old, programmer Joshua Agboola has emerged the youngest certified Amazon Web Services developer associate in Africa.

Agboola achieved the feat after a gruelling two-hour examination that tested his skills and knowledge in deploying, troubleshooting, and development on the AWS cloud platform.

Cloud services are infrastructure, platforms, or software that are hosted by third-party providers and made available to users through the internet.

Agboola, in an interview in Lagos on Sunday said he was inspired to achieve the feat because of his outstanding performance in his AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination earlier in the year and encouragement by his father to sit the next level of certification.

Agboola said though he had developed an interest in DevOps, the popular progression was to go for the Solutions Architect Associate certification.

“I was initially preparing for the Solutions Architect Associate certification which is the next certification most people take in their AWS cloud journey, but had a change of mind for a tougher developer associate certification due to encouragement from an older friend programmer,” said the child. “The light bulb went up in my head, and I began studying the next day.”

Agboola added, ‘’The possibility of clinching the title of the youngest developer associate in the world, which is an equivalent of a world record in the cloud space, also became a strong motivation for me.”

He prepared for the test by studying for about two to five hours daily for some six weeks.

The 13-year-old internet sensation said his achievement in the cloud space was noticed by a tech company in Lagos offering to “provide me with further technical mentorship.”


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