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15 education-related facts from around the world

Learning can be fun, especially when you discover interesting facts about education from around the world. Here are 15 of them:
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These are just a few of the many interesting facts about education from around the world. Learning about different education systems can help us to appreciate the diversity of education and to think about how we can improve our own education system in Africa and Nigeria.

1. The oldest school in the world is the King’s School in Canterbury, England, which was founded in 597 AD.

2. In Japan, children are very independent. They travel to school alone, clean their own classrooms, and even carry lunch. There are no janitors or canteens in the schools.

3. In Finland, education is free for all students, from kindergarten to university.

4. In South Korea, students spend an average of 12 hours a day studying, both in school and at home.

5. In China, students have to pass a rigorous national exam in order to be accepted into university.

6. In Brazil, students have to repeat the school year if they fail more than two subjects.

7. In Cuba, education is mandatory for all children from the ages of 6 to 16.

8. In Kenya, girls are more likely to drop out of school than boys, due to poverty and early marriage.

9. In Afghanistan, girls were banned from attending school under the Taliban regime.

10. In Malawi, the government has built special schools for children with disabilities.

11. In India, there is a school called the Solar Impulse School, which is powered entirely by solar energy.

12. In Sweden, there is a school called the Egalia School, which is designed to eliminate gender stereotypes.

13. In the United States, there is a school called the Sudbury Valley School, where students have complete freedom to learn what they want, when they want.

14. In Finland, there is a school called the Steiner School, which uses a holistic approach to education that focuses on the development of the whole child.

15. The City Montessori School in Lucknow, India is the largest school in the world, with over 32,000 students.

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