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While a summer camp may simply seem like a quintessential summer pastime for kids, turns out that it is much more. Besides offering students knowledge of specific subjects, it helps kids work on their personal development skills.

This this article will reveal some of the surprising benefits of summer camping for kids. Here are some benefits:

Development of social skills

Summer camps allow kids to nurture their social skills. It is a community away from home and school where kids learn to work by collaborating with each other and academic mentors.

Students get to learn how to navigate through group dynamics. As well as learn sharing, being sensitive and supporting fellow batch mates. Kids also get the opportunity to gain transferrable skills, learn to build leadership and a strong character from adults.

Promoting healthy living

An active camp life keeps students active throughout the day. Besides keeping the kids physically active, camps are also working to offer healthier food choices for their campers.

This may include wholesome foods such as fruits, veggies and fun healthy snacks. Furthermore, summer camps nowadays offer cooking and gardening classes where kids learn how to prepare nutritious meals.

Enhancement of self-confidence

Specialised camps offer interesting educational, learning and cultural opportunities for kids. These make learning and problem-solving fun and interactive. This in turn leads to increased self-confidence.

Although children spend time to work through homesickness or tackle an activity that pushes them outside of their comfort zone, they are observed walking away. Hence, feeling a stronger sense of personal accomplishment and self-reliance.

Helps to build relationships

Summer camps are an amazing way of helping children learn how to build relationships and manage conflict. Short programmes offer a valuable space where kids can slow down, connect and focus.

This is not usually feasible in a distracting digital world. In addition to this, staying away from the pressures, labels and social structure of school allows kids to make friends. Other than just their class or schoolmates.

Foster teamwork

During summer camps, kids spend a lot of time outdoors. They work on tasks that facilitate an environment where kids learn to interact with each other. Also engage in activities where they are required to work together with their peers and camp leaders.

This helps them understand how to solve problems collectively to accomplish their goals. Through teamwork, kids can feel a sense of acceptance and belonging as part of a community.

Consider enrolling into dance summer camps in London. This is to combine learning English and dance, as a perfect way to spend your summer!

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1 year ago

Summer camps are great for your kids. It gives them an escape in the summer and the ability to make friends and memories. This is a great article, thank you for sharing!

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